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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another Dr. Appointment

I had my second Doctors appointment yesterday. We werent expecting it, but we had another ultrasound. Its amazing to see how much bigger the baby is in just 4 weeks. Its definetly its mother's baby. It was moving all over the place and just couldnt sit still. He/She was moving, kicking, turning over, and sitting up. It just amazes me that even thought its moving like that, I cant feel a thing. The heartrate yesterday was 178....so thats throwing all of for a loop. I go for another ultrasound on February 9th and then back for another appt. on March 2nd. I will be 15 weeks when I go back so maybe we will be able to tell what it is. Who knows! Here are some pictures from yesterdays ultrasound!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I cannot believe I am already 9 weeks. It is flying by, but Im so ready to go back to the doctor so that part is dragging. Only 3 more weeks until Im out of my first trimester! It is baby central at work. There are 5 of us expecting babies this summer. One is due in May, two are due in July, Im due in August and we just found out today that another girl is due August 21st. The day after I am. So its really exciting. Im glad I have someone here that is on my time line. I never knew how scary this could all be.

I had my first craving this past weekend. All I could think about was having a pickled okra and hot weenie sandwhich. I know it sounds nasty but it was oh so good. Other then that I havent craved anything else. Ive actually been able to broaden my range of food past pizza. But Im still wanting everything to be extra extra spicey.

All of my clothes are starting to get a little snug. Especially my jeans. Im not feeling as tired as I was but I have definetly been more nausiated. I havent gotten sick, but I have felt like it. I go back to the doctor on January 27th, I dont think its going to come soon enough!!!!!