Weight Loss Tracker

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Too few calories

I have started logging my calories at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/. I like it because I can get it on my iPhone as well. So yesterday, I enter in all the food that I ate and when I go to close out my day it tells me "If every day were like today... You'd weigh 148.1 lbs in 5 weeks". Then it proceeds to tell me "*Based on your total calories consumed for today, you are eating too few calories. Not only is it difficult to receive adequate nutrition at these calorie levels, but you could also be putting your body into starvation mode. Starvation mode lowers your metabolism and makes weight loss more difficult. We suggest increasing your calorie consumption to 1,200 calories per day minimum". Now, I understand what it is telling me. But don't sit there and tell me that if I eat like that everyday then I will have lost 10 lbs in 5 weeks and THEN proceed to tell me that I need to eat more. Seriously? Kindof frustrating.

I still haven't started working out. But I am going to do it. I am. Seriously. :)

Today is Wednesday which means supper at church. We are having salad and lasagna today. I've already added up the calories and I can have 1 cup of Lasagna and 2 cups of salad. I can handle that, as long as the women at church don't bring out the good deserts. Ugh. We will see.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How do I find the time?

So, I didn't get to start my workout last night. :( Moms, how do you find the time? If I wait until Cullen goes to bed then it is after 9 and I'm tired from the daily stuff. But I just can't get my lazy butt out of bed to do it first thing in the morning.

I have done good on my eating though. I was under my calories yesterday and I am way under so far today.

I need to exercise. I know I do. My energy level is so low right now and I know that the reason is lack of exercise. That and all the candy I have been eating since Easter. Maybe I'm going through a huge sugar crash!! Oh well, that is behind me and on to better things. Hopefully I can get the DVD workout in tonight. Fingers crossed.....

Monday, April 25, 2011

60 Day Slim Down

Another day...another diet. :) Well, not really. I am counting calories...again but I'm hoping to jump start my metabolism and slim down a few pounds. My family and I are going to the beach in September and I want to be 145 lbs by then. Right now, I am at 157. I AM GOING TO DO IT!!! I ready my friend Jennifer's blog today about weight loss and how blogging holds her accountable for what she does. Lets see if it works for me. I'm allowing myself 1400 calories a day. After breakfast and lunch I still have 495 calories which seems okay to me. The plan that I am following tells us to drink 8 oz of water before a meal and 8 oz during. It isn't that hard but I think I have already been to the potty like 10 times.

I am starting my workout tonight. Ya'll will probably hear me complaining tomorrow. :) Hopefully it won't be that bad.

I can't believe Easter Sunday has already come and gone. I cannot explain how much joy I felt yesterday during our church service. To know that Christ died for ME!?!?!?!?!?! and that he has risen from the dead. How much hope and joy that brings me is beyond words. It was such a wonderful day with family and friends. Hope everyone else had a great day too!