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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Try again...

So, several of my friends blog. Maybe not everyday, but at least once a week. Since they seem to like it, I decided I would jump back in to the blogging world as well. We will see how long this lasts. :)

My sweet little Cullen has the flu. Monday night his fever spiked at 103.9 and it freaked mommy out!!! After putting in an emergency call to our wonderful pediatrician, I was told that he would be just fine if we waited until the morning to bring him in. So, I took the day off yesterday and spent it with him. It was so nice. We layed around on the couch, cuddled and watched movies all day.

This morning he wasn't running a fever so I decided to go to work and oh how I miss him. I have to work, I know this, but sometimes I just wish that I could stay home with him.

I called Michael during the doctor appointment because Cullen had gained a pound. I wish everyone of you could see me doing the happy dance in the exam room. Cullen has been 24 lbs since he was 9 months old. He has been in a size 4 diaper since he was 6 months old. But yesterday, that scale had a big 25.7 on it. Whoop Whoop. I was so excited.

We also took down the front of Cullen's crib and made it into a toddler bed last night. When I went to get him, he was asleep on his floor so he must have fallen out of the bed without waking up at some point during the night. We will try again tonight!!