Monday, November 9, 2009
Been there....Done that!
Okay, okay, I know its been FOREVER since I have updated my blog. So here it is. Cullen was born on August 16th, 2009 at 1:25pm. He weighted 7lbs 11oz and was 21 and a quarter inches long. He is absolutely the most BEAUTIFUL baby boy in the entire world....and Im not biased at all. I had a very easy labor and delivery. It was perfect. The first month was a little hard becuase he had his days and nights mixed up, but it is wonderful now. He turned 12 weeks yesterday and I had to start back to work today. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be, but I think it will be emotional when I go to pick him up this afternoon.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
So, I made a comment on my facebook about how amazing it is that time flies yet stands still at the same time. It just couldnt be more true!!! It seems like yesterday that I couldnt WAIT for my first trimester to be over and now we are sitting at full term just waiting for little man to get here!!!! Yet, how long can it take to get to 40 weeks? July has been such a short month, yet it seems like it wont ever be over. We have 3 weeks left. THREE WEEKS!!!!!! Not alot of time, but too long to wait. Its amazing at the emotions that I am feeling right now. Im hot, uncomfortable, swollen, sleep deprived and have absolutely NO ENERGY! But who can complain??? Im bringing a little life into this world. Thats the greatest miracle that God gave a woman. I have been blessed through this entire pregnancy and I hope that the streak continues. I will write more when I have more to write. As of now, we are just waiting. No signs of early labor....NOTHING. Just...waiting.......
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Almost Time
I cannot believe that I am 33 weeks today. That means that I only have 7 weeks left until Cullen is due! This time has flown. It seems so weird because I havent even met him yet, but its like I miss him. I just want to hold him and love on him. I went to the doctor yesterday. She said everything looked great. I hadnt gained anymore weight since my last appointment so Im holding steady at 22 lbs total. My blood pressure was only 100/60 and Cullens hear rate was 145. My next appointment will be my last two week appointment. I will have to start going every week after that. We are so busy and I dont know when Ill finish up getting everything ready. Between work (my boss is out on maternity leave so Im extra busy), all the different classes, showers, and my birthday, we dont have alot of time. Luckily we got to go to the beach for a week last week. It was so much fun. If we had been able to take Noah with us, I wouldnt have wanted to come home. So we got some relaxation time in before the busiest time hit. Ill try to update this more often as we get closer to the big day!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
New Moon
Most of you know how OBSESSED I am with the Twilight books and movies. I am so excited about New Moon coming out in November. There have been several pictures surface of the filiming of the Italy scene where Edward "reveals" himself and Bella runs across the square to stop him. The wonderful people at has put all the pictures into a video with music. I coudldnt get it uploaded but here is the link. Its awesome!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
All kinds of new stuff!
Its been a while, I know. We have been so busy lately I barely have time to get done what I need to get done. So, here is my latest update. We have have officially decided on a name which will be Cullen Wright Martin. We have also ALMOST finished the nursery. HOWEVER, we have found a house that we would love to buy if we could sell ours first. So we may be doing the nursery over again. But that will be fine if we get this house. We need more room and this house will have 3 bedrooms and two baths.

Cullen seems to be growing the way he should. My belly measured 23 inches the last time I went but that was 2 weeks ago. Also, I had only gained 9 lbs by week 24. But when I went back 10 days later, I had gained 3 more lbs. So Im at a total of 12 right now. I failed my glucose tolerance test and had to go back for the 3 hour test. Im assuming I passed that one since I havent heard from them. It wasnt as bad as I thought it would be but I do not want to do it again anytime soon.
I think that just about covers everything. Here are some pictures of the nursery and a belly pic!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Its a boy!!!
We went to the doctor on Friday and had the big ultrasound. They said everything looked good and that we were going to have a little boy. We were all very excited, especially my dad!! We havent decided on any names yet, but our favorite is Cullen Wright Martin. I had to go back to the doctor again today. I hadnt felt him move in a few days so I was getting anxious. But they found the heartbeat and they said it all looked great. Here are some pictures from the ultrasound!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
16 Weeks
I had another doctors appointment yesterday! My dad was kept in town this week because of the snow we had on Monday, so he got to go with us. And since he had never seen an ultrasound before, I talked the doctor into letting us have one. They couldnt tell what it is yet, but they said that everything looked great! The baby wasnt as active this time as last time and the heart rate was 148. We go back on April 3rd for our big appointment to find out what it is. We are both very excited. I just wish it would hurry up and get here. I ended up loosing three pounds at the beginning of the pregnancy and when I went back yesterday I was back up to my normal weight. So I havent really gained any. But Im assuming thats normal. Here are some pictures from yesterdays ultrasound.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Back to normal?
I had a really bad day yesterday. I woke up to a headache and nausia. Hoping to sleep it off I stayed in the bed. However when I woke up, it was just as bad. I went into work at about 10 but continued to get sick there so I called the doctor to see what I could take. Seeing as how I couldnt even keep saltine crackers down, they wanted to see me. I went to the doctor about 1:30 and they said everything looked good. I wasnt dehydrated and most women's HCG levels are highest around week 12 which can cause them to be sick more. I got to have another ultrasound. The heartrate this time was 169. So, anyway, I went home and got in the bed. Tried to eat just a plain hamburger from McDonalds but that came back up too. Finally I kept down some dry toast and dry ceral before I went to bed. And when I woke up this morning...I felt like a new person! I even have energy that I didnt have before. Maybe it was just a bug...who knows. Im just glad I feel better. Here is one of the ultrasound pictures from my "sick appointment".

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Another Dr. Appointment
I had my second Doctors appointment yesterday. We werent expecting it, but we had another ultrasound. Its amazing to see how much bigger the baby is in just 4 weeks. Its definetly its mother's baby. It was moving all over the place and just couldnt sit still. He/She was moving, kicking, turning over, and sitting up. It just amazes me that even thought its moving like that, I cant feel a thing. The heartrate yesterday was thats throwing all of for a loop. I go for another ultrasound on February 9th and then back for another appt. on March 2nd. I will be 15 weeks when I go back so maybe we will be able to tell what it is. Who knows! Here are some pictures from yesterdays ultrasound!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I cannot believe I am already 9 weeks. It is flying by, but Im so ready to go back to the doctor so that part is dragging. Only 3 more weeks until Im out of my first trimester! It is baby central at work. There are 5 of us expecting babies this summer. One is due in May, two are due in July, Im due in August and we just found out today that another girl is due August 21st. The day after I am. So its really exciting. Im glad I have someone here that is on my time line. I never knew how scary this could all be.
I had my first craving this past weekend. All I could think about was having a pickled okra and hot weenie sandwhich. I know it sounds nasty but it was oh so good. Other then that I havent craved anything else. Ive actually been able to broaden my range of food past pizza. But Im still wanting everything to be extra extra spicey.
All of my clothes are starting to get a little snug. Especially my jeans. Im not feeling as tired as I was but I have definetly been more nausiated. I havent gotten sick, but I have felt like it. I go back to the doctor on January 27th, I dont think its going to come soon enough!!!!!
I had my first craving this past weekend. All I could think about was having a pickled okra and hot weenie sandwhich. I know it sounds nasty but it was oh so good. Other then that I havent craved anything else. Ive actually been able to broaden my range of food past pizza. But Im still wanting everything to be extra extra spicey.
All of my clothes are starting to get a little snug. Especially my jeans. Im not feeling as tired as I was but I have definetly been more nausiated. I havent gotten sick, but I have felt like it. I go back to the doctor on January 27th, I dont think its going to come soon enough!!!!!
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