I had another doctors appointment yesterday! My dad was kept in town this week because of the snow we had on Monday, so he got to go with us. And since he had never seen an ultrasound before, I talked the doctor into letting us have one. They couldnt tell what it is yet, but they said that everything looked great! The baby wasnt as active this time as last time and the heart rate was 148. We go back on April 3rd for our big appointment to find out what it is. We are both very excited. I just wish it would hurry up and get here. I ended up loosing three pounds at the beginning of the pregnancy and when I went back yesterday I was back up to my normal weight. So I havent really gained any. But Im assuming thats normal. Here are some pictures from yesterdays ultrasound.

So sweet!!!! I can't wait until we know what to shop for!!!!! :)