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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rough week

Ahhh....it has been a rough week. Cullen started running a fever last Wednesday afternoon. I ended up taking him the doctor on Thursday. He only had the croup so they gave him Prednisone. Well, let me just tell you, I have never seen him act so wierd in his life. It was like he was high or something. So I didn't give him the full 3 days of the medicine. Finally, after 4 days, he is back to normal. He still has a cough but I'm okay with that.

Saturday, I weighed in for the first time since starting all this. It had been less then a week when I weighed in and I had already lost 2 lbs! I was so excited. When you see those pounds ( however few or many it is ) it inspires you to lose more. I was a little slack on Sunday when it comes to eating because we just stayed around the house all day and when I get bored, I eat. But it wasn't near as bad as it would have been before.

I also want to take this time to ask everyone for prayers. A lot of my family and friends are going through a rough time right now and it is so hard for me to watch them go through the pain and stress that they are feeling. Please pray for them and for me. Pray that I have the proper words of encouragment for them!

1 comment:

  1. You are such an awesome daughter, Christian and friend. I am blessed!
